
Beauty of the Bay UPDATED

By SimEve- A peaceful beach home. Made for 120 Wright Way. A 2 bedroom, 3 bathroom, garage, outdoor kitchen grotto, outdoor dining, outdoor seating and bar. Refurbished attic living spaces. This version is updated to work with the new game update. I have removed the hot tub, since they no longer work and I have updated the tour as well. *Tour on my Page*
created by SimEve
By SimEve- A peaceful beach home. Made for 120 Wright Way. A 2 bedroom, 3 bathroom, garage, outdoor kitchen grotto, outdoor dining, outdoor seating and bar. Refurbished attic living spaces. This version is updated to work with the new game update. I have removed the hot tub, since they no longer work and I have updated the tour as well. *Tour on my Page*
  • 11/17/09
  • 2113
  • 150
  • EN
  • Residential
  • 0
  • 40 x 30
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Created By

SimEve Visit My Studio Member SinceJun 18, 2009 Total Creations 225 Total Recommendations 18,455 Location US
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