
Witches Cottage

Two Bedrooms, two bathrooms garden with life fruit, death flower, pond with deathfish, kitchen, basement, laundry room, three rooms upstairs for heavenly nursery, but you'll need to add stairs, I was using teleport to get upstairs. Complete with Family Witch mother, inventor father, the toddlers: twins Minnie and Jinnie and their sister Winnie. This family is one of my personal favorites take good care of them and their dilapidated house! Good luck! Double is trouble...but they've got three!
created by DarciHyde
Two Bedrooms, two bathrooms garden with life fruit, death flower, pond with deathfish, kitchen, basement, laundry room, three rooms upstairs for heavenly nursery, but you'll need to add stairs, I was using teleport to get upstairs. Complete with Family Witch mother, inventor father, the toddlers: twins Minnie and Jinnie and their sister Winnie. This family is one of my personal favorites take good care of them and their dilapidated house! Good luck! Double is trouble...but they've got three!
  • 06/27/10
  • 61
  • 5
  • EN
  • Residential
  • 5
  • 20 x 30

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Created By

DarciHyde Visit My Studio Member SinceJun 08, 2009 Total Creations 19 Total Recommendations 29 Location US
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