
DC and his Machine

Eccentricity has it's price, as would D. eventually discover, in the form of the town's rejection of his nefarious inventions. Ostricization wasn't so bad, when you have such a delightful dilapidated shack! With his DC V.2 at his side, he settled into his new life as a vagabond. Little did he know, he was soon to stumble upon an age old secret, resting just underneath his feet.
created by ZehLebowitz
Eccentricity has it's price, as would D. eventually discover, in the form of the town's rejection of his nefarious inventions. Ostricization wasn't so bad, when you have such a delightful dilapidated shack! With his DC V.2 at his side, he settled into his new life as a vagabond. Little did he know, he was soon to stumble upon an age old secret, resting just underneath his feet.
  • 08/04/10
  • 21
  • 4
  • EN
  • Residential
  • 2
  • 36 x 47
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ZehLebowitz Visit My Studio Member SinceJun 08, 2009 Total Creations 46 Total Recommendations 244 Location US
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