
Casandra Castillo

Casandra was turned during the conquistador era. She was but a farmer's daughter when some of the spanish soldiers raider her home, killed everyone, and left her for dead. However her sire stumbled across her and asked her to choose. She chose revenge. Now, she's an aspiring mixologist. :P
created by LexxieTanium
Casandra was turned during the conquistador era. She was but a farmer's daughter when some of the spanish soldiers raider her home, killed everyone, and left her for dead. However her sire stumbled across her and asked her to choose. She chose revenge. Now, she's an aspiring mixologist. :P
  • 01/27/11
  • 238
  • 10
  • EN
  • Young Adult
  • Female
  • Light - Medium
  • Normal
  • Lanky
  • Vampire
  • Never Nude, Frugal, Inappropriate, Absent-Minded, Ambitious

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Created By

LexxieTanium Visit My Studio Member SinceJun 12, 2009 Total Creations 10 Total Recommendations 84 Location US
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