
Fading Empire - 2br 2ba

This Victorian house may look old and worn, and it may have an odd creak to it at night, but it still has a lot of good years left. With two bedrooms, lots of porch and deck space, and an attic ready for renovation, there's plenty of room for a growing family. Modestly furnished for a couple, 2 children and a baby. Store and Expansion yes. No CC. Priced just under $55k.
created by VexingQuery
This Victorian house may look old and worn, and it may have an odd creak to it at night, but it still has a lot of good years left. With two bedrooms, lots of porch and deck space, and an attic ready for renovation, there's plenty of room for a growing family. Modestly furnished for a couple, 2 children and a baby. Store and Expansion yes. No CC. Priced just under $55k.
  • 07/31/11
  • 1831
  • 83
  • EN
  • Residential
  • 0
  • 30 x 20

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Created By

VexingQuery Visit My Studio Member SinceJul 08, 2009 Total Creations 62 Total Recommendations 1,058 Location US
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