
Biblio de l'Ancien Dragon Vert

A long time ago a young explorer named Sophia was marooned on Affinity Island. She encountered a green elder dragon who swallowed her whole. However, because Sophia rolled high on her charisma and intelligence checks, the elder dragon quickly became enchanted with her naivete and kept her prisoner deep in his stomach. He taught her many things over the years, and even took to swallowing books whole so she had things to read while he slept...
created by RedRover88
A long time ago a young explorer named Sophia was marooned on Affinity Island. She encountered a green elder dragon who swallowed her whole. However, because Sophia rolled high on her charisma and intelligence checks, the elder dragon quickly became enchanted with her naivete and kept her prisoner deep in his stomach. He taught her many things over the years, and even took to swallowing books whole so she had things to read while he slept...
  • 03/20/13
  • 65
  • 1
  • EN
  • Commercial
  • 0
  • 40 x 40

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Created By

RedRover88 Visit My Studio Member SinceJun 13, 2009 Total Creations 7 Total Recommendations 3 Location US
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