
RH clothing boutique

Here is an elegant little clothing store where your sims can design and sell the latest fashions. Each clothing display has its own locking barrier to entry door so you can control which sims change the display. Just design outfits using the displays then set the door locks to the matching age and gender. Detailed instructions can be found in the roaring heights sharing thread in the worlds forum pg 7.
created by KarilynMonroe2
Here is an elegant little clothing store where your sims can design and sell the latest fashions. Each clothing display has its own locking barrier to entry door so you can control which sims change the display. Just design outfits using the displays then set the door locks to the matching age and gender. Detailed instructions can be found in the roaring heights sharing thread in the worlds forum pg 7.
  • 12/19/13
  • 341
  • 23
  • EN
  • Commercial
  • 0
  • 30 x 20
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KarilynMonroe2 Visit My Studio Member SinceAug 31, 2012 Total Creations 383 Total Recommendations 1,835 Location US
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