
RH 1920s Bare Starter - no cc

Whether you live in Roaring Heights or Sunset Valley, this multi room, just the basics*, starter comes in at just under 18,300. Which is ok for a young couple or small family just starting out. But, someone will have to earn money fast, if they want a bed to sleep on. Sim tested and custard checked. *just the basics = toilet, tub, bathroom sink; fridge, stove, kitchen sink, counters; minimal lights, kitchen, hall, bathroom. ~ Mmdrgntobldrgn
created by Mmdrgntobldrgn
Whether you live in Roaring Heights or Sunset Valley, this multi room, just the basics*, starter comes in at just under 18,300. Which is ok for a young couple or small family just starting out. But, someone will have to earn money fast, if they want a bed to sleep on. Sim tested and custard checked. *just the basics = toilet, tub, bathroom sink; fridge, stove, kitchen sink, counters; minimal lights, kitchen, hall, bathroom. ~ Mmdrgntobldrgn
  • 12/26/13
  • 185
  • 27
  • EN
  • Residential
  • 0
  • 30 x 20
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Mmdrgntobldrgn Visit My Studio Member SinceJun 09, 2009 Total Creations 620 Total Recommendations 3,510 Location US
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