
J.M. Modern Penthouse

By GoAgain. www.facebook.com/GoAgain1. "I have a medium lot. But the shape is rectangle. Can I have a spacious-look modern house?". The anwer is YES! J.M. Modern Penthouse is built in a 35x25 lot with modern touch. 2 stories house included a modern hot tub and swimming pool outside the house. Beautifully decorated with an amazing walking path sure will treat your heart and mind perfectly. So, go grab it now! Only 226,383 Simoleons FULLY FURNISHED!!
created by GoAgainSims
By GoAgain. www.facebook.com/GoAgain1. "I have a medium lot. But the shape is rectangle. Can I have a spacious-look modern house?". The anwer is YES! J.M. Modern Penthouse is built in a 35x25 lot with modern touch. 2 stories house included a modern hot tub and swimming pool outside the house. Beautifully decorated with an amazing walking path sure will treat your heart and mind perfectly. So, go grab it now! Only 226,383 Simoleons FULLY FURNISHED!!
  • 04/27/14
  • 450
  • 7
  • EN
  • Residential
  • 0
  • 35 x 25

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GoAgainSims Visit My Studio Member SinceAug 04, 2013 Total Creations 3 Total Recommendations 16 Location ID
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599 Views Downloads
9 Recommendations