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A woman and her friend are at a picnic when she tells him something she hasn't spoken of in years - the death of her husband on their honeymoon...
By: tams2578
Created: 06/02/09
Recommendations: 1364
Views: 132745
This is a short film about a bored plumbob looking for more adventure than his sim. He switches between sims to take a look on what is really outside in the world, rather than being with one sim who is just so boring do the same routine everyday. The plumbob has one day of adventure that he will soon not forget.
By: orangeplumbob
Created: 06/16/09
Recommendations: 1389
Views: 96210
Kevin asks Roxy to marry him
By: james123433
Created: 06/02/09
Recommendations: 311
Views: 86255
am•bro•sia In classical mythology, the food of the deities, which was supposed to make those who ate it immortal, or a substance that tastes and smells delicious.
By: Willco44
Created: 06/18/09
Recommendations: 1774
Views: 82682
This short video shows how I do roof jumps. This isn't the same roof jump from Morning Run, this is the more advanced version. We didn't have access to constrainFloorElevation back in January. This works exactly the same way in The Sims 2. Hope this explains everything. If you have a question, hit me up at
By: baconandeggzie
Created: 06/20/09
Recommendations: 1366
Views: 73365
By: Alexurt1
Created: 10/15/09
Recommendations: 1141
Views: 67621
My sim is a pyromanic and fireproof so I decided to make a vid. of her. To make a pyro sim, just have babies with a firefighter and when they turn into teens they might develop the traits or use the hidden traits hack/mod or whatever. Thanks for watching and enjoy!
By: scilly
Created: 07/27/09
Recommendations: 478
Views: 58588
If you dance it...they will come....:)
By: ruthless_kk
Created: 06/29/09
Recommendations: 862
Views: 49170
A quick look into the beautiful world of The Sims 3. Enjoy!
By: baconandeggzie
Created: 01/16/09
Recommendations: 548
Views: 45393
Lizz Cupid, Chazz Diablo, Puck Midsummer, and Cleopatra Egyptia moved to Sunset Valley because the gods kicked them out. Unfortunately for their new neighbors, they're here to stay. Enjoy this weekly sitcom that follows these romantic, criminal misfits on their journey to be slightly more normal.
By: SimGuruWalrus
Created: 03/28/09
Recommendations: 236
Views: 43401
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