OkashiiM's Blog
: January 2013
Oh My GHOST!!!!!!!
POSTED ON 01/23/13
Remember the first Ashli that died from the curse?!  Well guess what!  While I was looking around the house, I saw her floating around and i though "Hey since she's here why not have a reunion between her and Chase.

I made them flirt a little bit too, of course.  While all this was happening I couldn't help but notice that SHE is somehow still his fiance!  I was totally flood, since she was his wife when she died.  I guess this is where you can say I started thinking . . . my mind was saying "Maybe they can still get back together"; in other words, but the veil between the dead and the living.  If they can do it in the corps bride then I can do it here in my sims world!

So, I made them do a lot of flirty flirty stuff.  I did it all the way until they gave me the option to woohoo, but I was a bit bummed since I was hopping to have her marry him instead.  I guess this'll have to do.

However, things didn't go like I had planned though.  When I got the choice to try for baby it said I had too many sims in my house, which I don't understand since there were only seven of them (Chase and the kids), but I'm guessing that it must be the dog that held that final eight place.  Anyway, when some of the kids do move out, I'll go back to the original plan of Chase and Ashli.  If things still don't work out  I'll do what my friend suggested: make another Ashli.  And until then sim you later!

PS. She looks kind of freaky, doesn't she?
I've been thinking
POSTED ON 01/21/13

Well, like the title says, I've been thinking.  The Ashli that I brought back still has ties to her old family, and I don't want to take her away from her Chase (he was saved in my Edit Town Folder when I had saved the whole family sometime ago) because the Chase that is in my household now lost his Ashli (the one that died from the curse), so I'm returning her to her family (they live in a house somewhere on the other side of town).  But don't worry I still have at least one person from the original two so I'll keep going with the 150 babies.  I want to give Chase a new start and I plan to have him probably date around until he finds a good woman to be his wife, be a good mother to his present children (as well as Ashli's love children that she had with her ex), and be willing to help him (and me) continue to reach the goal of 150 babies. 

Oh and here's an update too!  Chase just mastered being athletic and is working on being a cook and drum master.  And the SaRan and Chucky are now children.  Because I've been wondering what were hidden in these dirt hills outside around the house, the family got a dog named Otis from the shelter.  That's it!  Till next time!
She's Back!!!!
POSTED ON 01/19/13
The funeral was a success!  Ashli will forever live in their minds and hearts now with that fantastic send away.  But even though she died, Chase still needs someone, I pulled some strings and found him someone.  At first I was making him another wife in Sims Creator and that's when it dawn on me that I saved the family when they had only Shane, Conner, and Austin in the house.  So now Ashli's not dead anymore . . . or is she?  Anyway she's back in the game and ready for more baby making!

This it them now.  Do you guys remember this Ashli form a previous post?  Oh and yeah I grew out Chase's hair, gave him a full beard, and made around his eyes dark to make him look really sad on Ashli's funeral, so that's why he looks like that.  Well anyway, here we go again!  The Ashli & Chase 150 baby race is back on! Again!
Final Good Bye
POSTED ON 01/19/13

As you all Know Ashli has passed away.  Right now Chase and the children are throwing a funeral.  The eldest children--as well as Ashli's sister-in-law and brother--are coming to the funeral at there house.  This might just be our final goodbye to Ashli.

Everyone is sad and wearing black as they wait for the funeral to begin.  In the picture are the three children left in the house (The one with black hair is Charlie, the one next to the girl in the back is Loue, the girl is Nicole, and the boy not looking in the direction of the camera is Brentton).  In total the couple had 10 children with each other (I'm not counting those they had out of the marriage which I'll have to check when Chase goes back to China and check on his lady friends.  So far all I know for sure is that he has a son and a daughter by this one lady and he has more on the way with her and another with this other lady there too. )
POSTED ON 01/19/13
Well guys I have some really bad news for you.  Do you remember when Ashli went to Egypt to give Chase some time off after they had gotten a divorce?  Well yeah while she was there she went exploring in some tombs and got cursed by a mummy.  Since it's been a while since I've played the game, I had forgotten about the curse.  Because of that Ashli turned into a pile of ash and died, but that's not even the sad part.  Right before she died her son Loue was asking her for a bedtime story.  Sigh.  Well this changes the plan a lot.  If it doesn't get too much for me I'll try to get them back together while Ashli is a ghost, if not Chase will have to remarry after a mourning period of course.

Don Don Don Don! Here comes the Bride!
POSTED ON 01/05/13
In a beautiful white flora gown Ashli manages to make it to the alter with Chase after throwing an awesome bachelor party for them both.  Her eyes look a bit funky in the picture, but that's because she's a vampire.  Now back to the plan for the 150 babies race.  If you were wondering about the baby she had with her ex (they were twins, a boy name Chucky and a girl named SaRan) I won't count them, since they were fathered by her ex and not Chase.  I'll do an update count for next times blog.  So until then!!!

piano master!!!
POSTED ON 01/05/13
During her pregnancy Ashli became a master of the piano!  That's one skill down and four more to go!  I hope she won't leave Chase in the dust.

Baby There's A Baby
POSTED ON 01/05/13
Ashli and Chase found out that Ashli was pregnant with he ex-boyfriend's child.  However, Chase didn't mind and was happy for her.  Their love was still growing strong, and they progressed to being fiancés.  Because she gave birth before they were even married rumors about her giving birth out of wedlock spread, giving her a social blow since she's a celebrity and everything.

POSTED ON 01/01/13
During their time apart Ashli went to Egypt to allow Chase to cool off.  While there she raided tombs and rekindled an old flame there. They started to date for a while but Ashli started to really miss Chase.  After talking to him for a bit on the phone she went to her boyfriend and broke it off with him.  She returned back home to see Chase and the kids.  It was no more than an hour that the two made up and started back dating.

But now we have to wait and see if this relationship can make it to the alter after finding out some surprising news!!!