Assisted Living for the elderly would be another interesting feature, a place to retire to that isn\u2019t a nursing home. Friends and family could visit, each Sims gets their own assigned room that\u2019s like a small apartment: Micro kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and a living/ dinning room combined. There could be a communal dinning room for residents to eat in with others if they want, also an activities room, like exercise equipment, tv, beverage cart, stereo. Also outdoors areas for enjoying nature, playing sports, gardening. They could even keep they own vehicles to go when/where they want to, but it is a more affordable option for the retired elderly. It\u2019d be like the boarding school option for kids/teens, but could only happen after an older sim retires from their job. Also non elderly sims who\u2019ve had a job a long time could be eligible for early retirement, it could pop up after so many sim days/weeks at a job that a sim could retire early for such an amount a week pension, or stay on, if they stay on the amount of the pension goes up too. This offer could only happen about twice, then they\u2019d just have to stay till they\u2019re an elder and retire that way. And Retired sims should still be about to draw they pension and work a part time job. They could have split screens on the employment tab for it.
And upgrades to the gardening: Add a build mode click on that contains garden related build mode items only, edges, planters, greenhouse bits, retaining walls for raised beds. A tool to design circular & tiered garden beds. Also grow able / plant able flowers & plants would be neat. Trees you grow yourself that aren\u2019t fruit trees.
Oh yeah, and why are the only personal hygiene products that are buyable rubber duckies & bubble bath? Why don\u2019t Sims have to buy their soap, shampoo, laundry detergent, fabric softer or dryer sheets? They could all have neat little mood bonuses for Sims, especially snob, neat, perfectionist & neurotic Sims, and they could repel slob Sims. There could be different fragrances that affect them even.

Another idea, this concerns kitchen appliances\u2026why no on the stove or electric tea kettles, some people do drink tea, not chai, just tea. And a normal coffee pot, that makes just coffee. And what about a bread machine for bread items? And why isn\u2019t there a lot of baking included in the cooking skill? No breads, no rolls, no cakes, no pies, no corn bread\u2026why is this? And with smoothies being an it thing, why no blender? Sims could make smoothies, and wheatgrass shakes, and plain old fashioned milk shakes, non-alcoholic margaritas\u2026lol You get the picture\u2026 Oh, and what about a coffee house venue that isn\u2019t a rabbit hole? Lattes, Chai, tea, scones & biscotti. They could sell the coffee & teas and the brewing systems to make them in, as well as somewhere non- bar/clubbed themed to go and kill extra time at. Again, an opportunity for a new part time job: Barista
Speaking of part time jobs, why doesn\u2019t the library, movie theater & school have any?
Library Part time job:
Lv.1, Volunteer; Lv.2, Card Catalog keeper; Lv.3, Assistant Librarian
School Janitor Part time job:
lv.1, Puddle Removal; lv.2, Chalkboard Stocker; lv.3, Educational Maintenance Technician
Movie Theater Part time job:
lv.1, Ticket Taker; lv.2, Concession Stand Clerk; lv.3, Projectionist

Another thing about the Sims 3 strive for realism, they overlook the zanier elements of previous games and add touches of realism and then blatantly overlook other things that add to life\u2019s frustrations. Time management has always been a big part of the series, and yet Cars never break down or need fuel. These things happen in real life to complicate our days, so why not virtually as well? An auto repair shop to upgrade, maintain (Think oil changes, tires, air filters & spark plugs) and repair your vehicle at, also offers up a new career: Auto Mechanic. It could even be a profession. (Handy Sims can work on their own cars successfully) Towing service, roadside maintenance, Engine work and even body customizations. Cars should break down and need repaired, they should need maintenance, and fuel.
A Gas station venue for buying convenience food at, as well as gasoline, and even lotto tickets. There is another place to put a part time job option: Gas Station Attendant/ Clerk. And an auto parts store for the do-it-yourself types out there. They could have auto mechanic books at the book store, it could go hand in hand with the handy skill. The cheaper the car, the more likely it is to break down, of course there is that odd fluke now & again. Cheap car runs better then expensive one. And vehicles should age body wise (Dents, dings, rust and flaking paint), that car that\u2019s been in your legacy family for four or five generations should look the part unless well maintained. Well, that could be said for everything, furniture should show age based on use, so should appliances and electronics (They have those things break down, but not cars\u2026) d\u00E9cor items should wear with time as well. Cheap things wear out quicker, it is usually a given. Things should need replaced, not just due to repossession or burglary but from wearing out with use and time. (Unless handy enough to maintain them) Of course things can be repaired up to a point, then they are just lost causes. Here sims could have yard sales for their worn out, or unwanted items, inventors have a new place to get scrap metal from and sculpting sims could have a new sculpture theme \u201CFound art\u201D wear they sculpt with yard sale finds. This could tie into crafty sims repurposing things for other uses too. Broken clay pots become unique wind chimes, that kind of thing. Just NO toilet flower planters, please\u2026.. Speaking of crafting and skills, they need more variety to things, like who doesn\u2019t or hasn\u2019t wanted to try their hand at woodworking? How about a woodworking bench to build everything from birdhouses to Cabinets, Furniture to coat racks, Or a sewing machine: custom bedding you can actually use on your beds, curtains, clothes, so on & sew on. (Artistic sims could excel here)

Also, I see things hints at magical items and places; I\u2019d love to see a full blown expansion pack on it!
Sims 3: Occult & Supernatural, lol. Bring back the fun and whimsy of Makin\u2019 Magic and the neater features of Apartment Life. Have a themed neighborhood, with special shops all over it, a school dedicated to magical teaching/skill, and a carnival that pops up randomly with special foods and items and skills only available at it, plus a gypsy fortune teller or the \u201CMarie Lavou\u201D type from Unleashed. Divination is a skill, you practice with the \u201Ctarot table\u201D (Think small round table for two with elaborate patterned table cloth and a candle stick off to the side) and as you go up in levels using it new forms of divination open up, like from tarot decks to crystal ball gazing, mirror/water scrying, pendulum, I-ching, and so on.
Also being able to cast horoscopes, read palms and etc. for money, if the sim is happy, you get paid more, and a bad fortune has hilarious consequences too.
Different books of magic available at the book store and library, allowing a sim to be a good witch but knows some bad spells, or vice versa, an evil witch who also dabbles in love spells. Make the magic system more customizable to the personality of the sim. Green thumbs are great with plants, and plant spells, Romantic Sims do better with love spells, Scientific Sims do better with alchemy, (Alchemy could be it\u2018s own skill, but hidden, like the chemistry table, and requires collectables and ingredients to make potions and crystals and items with.) Bring back the bookcase hidden doorway, please! More advanced nectar machine seems appropriate here too. So do careers, professions and self employment of this nature, Zombie raisers (Hint at new creature lifestate), diviners, mediums (Not the Ghostbuster style paranormal hunter in Ambitions). Psychic Detective, lol
New Clothing, shoes and hairstyle that fall in with gothic, classic mystical or otherwise \u201CHarry Potter\u201D type fare, same for furniture and decor, or things that move on their own, like being able to enchant dishes to clean themselves in the kitchen sink, etc. Also, more choices on familiars would be nice, Bats, rats, owls, crow/ravens, toads & snakes. And not just wand waving, you\u2019d have a choice of hands only, wands, staffs, daggers/swords, that kind of thing. And make them designable! Some with feather, others with gems, some metal, some wood, etc.
Oh yeah, for people who want magic in a normal neighborhood, there could be a Strange little shop appear in the neighborhood that allows certain Sims access to the majority of goodies available in the special neighborhood, and this includes a boarding school for the child/teen. New personality traits like Believer (Think UFO, Bigfoot, Conspiracy Theories), Paranoid, Odd, Mysterious Vibe reward (People react good or badly to this, but get an awestruck moodlet, think like \u201CEye Candy\u201D type thing) Enlightened Reward (Makes certain aspects earned faster). I have a ton of ideas rattling around in my skull for such an expansion pack and frankly I\u2019m worried if they do create one, it\u2019ll fall sort like others have.

I\u2019d also like to see floors get dirty over time, just like real life, since they seem to be going for realism, some what. They have laundry, why not the need to mop & vacuum your carpets and hard surface flooring too? And a return of Sims have interests, things they like and dislike that define what they prefer to interact with or decorate with or talk about. It would lead to interesting social issues or friendships.
Oh, back to food a moment: I would love to see being able to buy pizza rolls, ramen soup, popcorn & chips at the store for Sims. it could have that devilishly good moodlet that the food truck gives out.
Also, Tool programs like create a world (wish it was easier to use) & the create a pattern to allow players to customize clothing, build layered shirts, short skirts with tights under them, designable tops, bottoms & shoes . It could have several base designs (heels, waist bands, shirt bases without neck line or sleeves) and then each things added counts as a layer up to about four or five layers, Example: Base heel/sole design, then toe and back of shoe, whether it has laces or straps or is slip one. Think how cool custom boots would be? And when using a system tool designed to work with the game, you don\u2019t have the issues user created hacks/content does. No slight to them, but there are a lot of problems that can be caused by a simple file not working correctly. And something like that for hair styles. I would love to see an overhaul of the hairstyle system, so instead of pre-made styles you never use, you have bases and layers to choose from also. I think from previous examples, people get the idea. Lol.
Oh yeah, back to gardening momentarily, new fruits and vegetables would be nice also. Think pumpkins, raspberries, zucchinis, pears, peaches, carrots, corn, squash, blueberries, black berries, strawberries, and Elderberry trees, citrus fruits beside limes (Lemons, oranges, clementines), mushrooms, and herbs for cooking and medicinal use. Which leads me to botany skill and plant hybrids that \u201Cproduce more\u201D, \u201Cdrought resistant\u201D, and \u201Cnever dies\u201D, things along those lines? And why does everything have to be a skill, why couldn\u2019t Virtuoso be a skill and then piano and guitar and that are hidden skills to improve at?

I also MISS interactive venues as to rabbit holes; I\u2019m probably one of the few people in the Sims fan base who didn\u2019t mind loading screens just to have interactive lots that added so much to the experience of playing the games. I miss some of the whimsical elements of Sims 1 & 2, that version 3 seems to have lost.
Other ideas of stuff packs or items are nightlights, Murphy\u2019s Bed (One that actually folds into the wall) More furniture that can be built into the wall. And bring back closets, Sofa beds, recliners, & being able to have yard sales for your junk. More incense choices and more incense types, being able to craft items out of your collectables, Vacation venues to Italy, Germany & Russia would be neat. Did I mention Amusement parks too?

Firstly if others have listed similar ideas, forgive me. There is simply too much on the web to keep track of, just enjoy the old adage: Great Minds Think Alike.
I love a lot of the features added with Generations, my problem is why didn\u2019t they put these features in the base game, or made generations the first expansion pack? Also, why is it that every expansion is self contained and nothing new is upgraded or added to existing features with new Expansions? Again, there was so much more that could have been done with Generations. Things like Playpens, new cribs, baby gates, new children\u2019s toys, clothes and hair styles. Skate boards & roller blades, different styles of bikes, new family oriented recipes and kids story books. Little touches that would go far and make the game feel meatier. Okay, over that rant, now on to why don\u2019t they add new vacation venues with various Expansions, so it isn\u2019t just contained to World Adventures? Which truthfully, I didn\u2019t think sounded interesting when it came out, and after buying it, it is easily one of my favorite Eps. Like an amusement park vacation venue would have been neat in Generations. There it is again. I\u2019m ranting\u2026
Also, a stuff pack with antique and old fashioned items would be sooo cool. The Ice box, giant gas range, wood burning kiva, those huge old fashioned farmer\u2019s or farmhouse sinks, Model A cars, the Silver ghost, & old lizzies! And things like phonographs and victrolas, chamber pots and the old pitcher & bowl. Oh and the Outdoor Water pump/spigot, where you have to collect water before you can use the bathroom/tub/sink? For all those players who\u2019d like to see their Sims rough it primitively, or the eco friendly who don\u2019t want to waste resources. Ringer washers, pull chain toilets. A stuff pack along those lines that encompass 1800\u2019s-mid 1960\u2019s lifestyles and living conditions. I would love to see a virtual VW Micro Bus!

I posted a ton of ideas on my wordpress blog reguarding sims 3 expasions, and I\'m too impatient to transfer it over word for word, so hence. rosali81.wordpress.com. or I can post pieces ...there\'s a limit to words per post.
I hope Sims 3: Pets are has dog/cat harnesses, vet clinic, vet career, dog walk, animal whisperer, & Animal hording as a social disorder! And a banking system would be interesting, a place to horde your metal bars/ gem stones and either withdrawal them or convert them into simoleans. I\u2019d also like to see larger Butterfly & insect displays that can hold more then one bug, and weren\u2019t individual little terrariums that can overrun a Sim\u2019s house if it is too small. More realism about the life phases would be nice too, pregnant moms have to have a check, babies/children/teens need immunized, Sims can get sick and have to stay in the hospital, being able to actually break an arm or leg and require a cast and limited actions, some things could even spill over into work performance. What is the point of a hospital if the only interactions are work or having babies at it? Colds & allergies would be neat to see too, and an interactive pharmacy/ drug store to buy medicine at, or if your sim is \u201Cgreen\u201D, the herb store!